Proposal to automatically allocate 2% of LP fees to marketing

we have a lot going on right now

:point_up: I can imagine. Meanwhile let me add a few thoughts.

Clearly the attraction of LPs has been a priority and the rewards idea made it happen. Now, with this momentum, it is a good idea to double down on building up the foundation of the DEX at the same time, which will always be measured by its trading volume. In the mid to long term, trading volume must increase manyfold, so that the income from fees becomes the better incentive for LPs, be at least equal or larger than the income from rewards.

Also, as seen with the OCEAN post, the need for marketing the DEX has become very obvious. I was glad to see that post.

Marketing is not done over night. Is a process and successful campaigns have to be crafted with time. The earlier this process starts, the earlier a team can be developed, the earlier marketing analytics data collected and utilized, the better.

I strongly feel that having much of this in place by end of 2021, would give incredible advantage to Bancor. An advantage that manifests itself not just in likely increased swapping volume, but also in knowledge gained.

Last but not least. What is nice about the proposed concept is, that it is it’s own track, dealing only with one specific aspect of Bancor: swapping on Bancor’s DEX. It can be stopped at any point, if results are unsatisfying, without effecting any of Bancor’s activities and vision. Not to mention, repurposed for - say - an incubator fund… but that is another story.