Add LM rewards for Rook - Bnt

bbadger is interest bearing badger…

badger has 75m usd of on chain liquidity.

I would hardly call that illiquid… and working with badger would gain us a lot of attention / favor within the defi community.

We are here to discuss rook though. The outcome of my rook proposals has been quite impressive, wouldn’t you agree? Or would you like to argue that?

If we can capture the volume uniswap is doing for Rook… that’s an additional 5%-10% daily volume for bancor / day. That’s a win.

You literally pushed three or four props on dBadger because you were desperate to get a pool you could control.

Now Rook. No interest in GRT. No interest in UNI. Simple.

I voted yes for GRT and UNI… can’t imagine why people are voting that down.

Stop scamming. Stop being disingenuous. Stop trying to rip LM rewards out of shitcoins for yourself.

This is not a farm and dump protocol.

Do you ever plan on responding to the points I’m making?

Seems like you’re just here to complain… would like to discuss the logic behind my proposal with you… that’s why we are here right?

You were complaining that we aren’t discussing these proposals… I’m here. Let’s talk about this.

I think this is the point people are missing or are being intentionally dense about. There’s an obvious value we could easily take and keep right now where we’d be growing Bancor and pulling liquidity from the current biggest rival (on an up and coming project, with a growing revenue stream already, and a legit team)??

GRT and UNI discussion are in different threads for their own merits, no?

My thesis is that there are several projects on uni (rook is one) that do a consistent 5m+ usd volume per day and have less than 20m in total liquidity.

If we can capture these projects / connect with these communities, then we can bump bancor’s daily volume 5m / day for each one.

Stop scamming. Stop being disingenuous. Stop trying to print money for yourself.

And stop replying for fucks sake

Hey while I have you here, mind having a look at my matic proposal?

(I own zero matic)

Fuck off scammer. Stop making proposals about LM rewards. If you give a shit, make a proposal about something other than LM rewards.

Other than that fuck off.

And stop fucking replying.

Well i have bad news for ya… I’m going to make an absolute ton of proposals pertaining to LM rewards.

Full disclosure. That’s what the DAO is about… presenting ideas… discussing those ideas… voting on those ideas.

Votes will determine if they pass. Some will. Some won’t.

Edit to add:
It’s also my hope that Rook passing and performing exceptionally well will establish precedent for similar proposals in the future :wink:

What are you so damn butthurt about? We’re all here trying to grow the protocol and discuss whether this BIP is worthy and you’re just launching personal attacks and shitting up everywhere people talk about Bancor huh?

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