
I apologise for the brevity of the breakdown this week.

Proposal: Extend Liquidity Mining Rewards for WBTC, LINK and ETH pools

The Automaton is Voting FOR.

Proposal: Increase Bancor’s Bug Bounty Payout on Immunefi

The Automaton is voting FOR.

Proposal: Increase Co-investment Limit to 2.1M BNT on the ROOK-BNT pool

The Automaton is voting FOR.

Proposal: Increase Co-investment Limit to 1M BNT on QNT (Quant) Pool

The Automaton is voting FOR.

Proposal: Increase Co-investment Limit to 1M BNT on RPL (RocketPool) Pool and set pool fees at .2%

The Automaton is voting FOR. It is not clear that the proposed change in the fee is beneficial, but certainly worth the experiment.

Proposal: Increase Co-investment Limit to 1M BNT on MANA (decentraland) Pool and set pool fees at .2%

The Automaton is voting FOR. In this case the increase in the pool fee is easily justified.

Proposal: Whitelist ENS with 50k BNT co-investment

The Automaton will wait for the ens.eth Twitter account to acknowledge the proposal before voting FOR.

2nd Vote - Proposal: Whitelist RAILGUN (RAIL) with 75k Co-Investment

After the drama surrounding the initial proposal, the representatives from the Railgun project reappeared on the Bancor community call to discuss the relevant talking points. Things are still weird; the bot-like activity on the Discourse thread is unusual. A plethora of new accounts appeared to comment with vacuous, supportive commentary. It’s just too weird; the Automaton is voting AGAINST.

Proposal: Increase Co-investment Limit to 500K BNT on TRAC (OriginTrail) Pool

The Automaton is voting FOR.

Proposal: Increase Co-investment Limit to 1M BNT on REQ (Request Network) Pool

The Automaton is voting FOR. Request has been part of the Bancor ecosystem since the old days.

Proposal: Increase MKR-BNT Fees to 0.2% (from .1%)

The Automaton is voting FOR.

Proposal: Increase Co-investment Limit to 700K BNT on MPH (88MPH) Pool

The Automaton is voting FOR. It has been truly awesome to watch the 88MPH project grow and mature. Their DAO is due to be bootstrapped soon, and growing the pool leading up to their full decentralization is well-timed.