Proposal: Whitelist Bridge Mutual (BMI) with 500K BNT Co-Investment
The obligatory tweet from the BMI team has been confirmed. The Bridge Mutual team were guests on the Bancor community call prior to the whitelisting vote. After the call, the team members continued to engage with community members in the Telegram channels, answering questions about the DeFi insurance landscape, tokenomics of BMI, future outloook, and other things. The level of engagement is admirable, and the commitment of the Bridge Mutual team to their project certainly seems sincere. From a whitelisting perspective, this whitelisting proposal covers all bases: engagement is high, the co-investment limit is reasonable, sentiment is good, the project serves a clear purpose, and its team is highly approachable and transparent. The Automaton will vote FOR whitelisting status of BMI.
Proposal: Increase eRSDL (UnFederal Reserve) Co-Investment to 500K BNT
The eRSDL co-investment increase was proposed by LinkSemper, a prominent and influential figure on Twitter, and a long-term community member of Bancor. LinkSemper’s Twitter activity surrounding the eRSDL pool on Bancor is notable (e.g. here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here), and a team member from UnFederal Reserve was a guest speaker on the Bancor community call this week. Combined with the fact that space inside this pool was exhausted within approx. 24 hours, this level of engagement more than justifies the proposed increase. The Automaton will vote FOR increased staking capacity inside the eRSDL pool.
Bancor Improvement Proposal: Decrease ETH-BNT Pool Fees to 0.05%
The proposed fee change is technically out of range:
if pool = ETH and 0.05% < proposedFee < 0.15%:
vote = FOR
elif pool != ETH and 0.1% < proposedFee < 1.0%:
vote = FOR
vote = AGAINST
Moreover, this proposal seeks to establish a ‘permanent’ LM program on the ETH pool. This is something of a misnomer, as the DAO can enact and abolish staking incentives as it so desires, so to propose that any LM program is permanent is an unusual choice of words. In any case, the Automaton is conservative about staking rewards, and any ‘permanent’ staking rewards proposal is decidedly liberal in the extreme.
The Automaton will vote AGAINST the fee change and permanent liquidity mining proposal.
For full disclosure - I (Mark Richardson) am voting for this proposal; the Automaton is not.