Hi all-- a few of us got to chatting again about TRADER INCENTIVES. Personally, I am very excited to see our gains (VOLUME, + $FEES) based on the development of these ideas.
- We need more TRADERS on Bancor
- We need more AWARENESS about Bancor now more than ever.
- Personal opinion: We shouldn’t let V3 timelines get in our way-- I believe they are mutually exclusive in this case.
- I am proposing a short term trade incentive campaign by kicking back BNT to any person that trades directly on our DEX.
- Specifically I want this feature to be used for low volume/fee pair pools with the following set of variables (which would determine Trader BNT reward emissions):
- Limit orders to start conservative
- Limit order Time (variable) – until it gets filled, you can earn rewards
- Trade size
- Short timing bursts (see detail below)
- Make small ‘trading’ LM pools for these trading BNT kickbacks
- I’m betting the tech for this exists and can modularly be implemented in the v2.1 short term, let’s get those traders!
- This proposal is it’s very early stages and open to suggestions and feedback holistically, I encourage those with thoughts to engage!
IMPORTANT QUESTIONS [Ilyssa, Discorp, Glenn, JM]
- Should we do this before V3?
- It is probably worth doing when V3 launches for a short period of time to bring in new folks (as long as they trade directly on Bancor).
- Can we use protocol owned BNT? Why not from the protocol owned though, it will be insignificant in the grand scheme of things no?
- I’m just saying, it would be something
SOMETHING is better than nothing while we wait and CAN afford it
FOR [Ilyssa, Glenn, rando rando, Mach, Just Link It]
- I’d like to do micro-airdrops for limit order trades, or give them some rewards/incentives WHILE they wait to be filled.
- Maybe we take away from LP incentives a small percentage until V3, allocate that to giving micro BNTs or BNT rebates for trades.
- That way they will also be incentivized to come back, V3 or not (dont h8 me!- aware this is Bancor blasphemy, but just an idea)
- Yeah, we can do it (other platforms have done similar incentives so it shouldn’t be too difficult to implement I think).
- rando rando: would bancor ever do an airdrop? Might be a good idea to promote traders to the platform after v3 drops. Something like wallets who made > 5 transactions get an airdrop
- Mach: Incentivising trade is smart, I think we should do it, even if just to raise awareness, see what airdrop did to uniswap, it’s mad.
- Just Link It: Just retroactively airdrop bancor traders and the marketing will pay for itself, sure we will have a drop in price but we’re long term. right guys…
- We can agree from the data that LPs & Traders aren’t utilizing the feedback system as exactly we’d like them to— we aren’t getting the traders, for whatever reasons.
- I’m still new to the space, but I get the feeling that trading and LP mentality are very different, on a spectrum especially in DeFi
- Cost vs. benefit, 80/20-- I believe short-term, micro LM dual-sided rewards for LIMIT order traders could strongly incentivize trading on Bancor— this features actually meshes well with upcoming LP features, i.e. dual sided LM!
- What if, for a little while, we give BNT to traders First, not LPs— for a BIT to bootstrap their BNT bags and Bancor’s Volume until V3 and multichain launches, etc.
- REMINDER: This is SHORT term-- either until V3, or just a couple weeks. We want awareness and traders right now and would love to hear the community’s thoughts!
- I should note the most exciting part to me! If selected communities are down, they can contribute to rewards dually-- that can also be a basis of choice for which pairs we want to support.
- Another way to think about this:
- Consider relative trade off of the status quo— Are the rewards of more traders, and thus more fees, UNTIL V3, at the cost of small airdrops incentives, worth making up for that loss?
- If volume is increasing anyway and will continually once V3 launches (which is true).
- It could be that the airdrops are negligible but they have a great impact on volume, enough to propagate exponentially when we hit traders with V3.
- It can’t hurt us at this point!!! We’ve waited a long time, and the market (traders) are telling us what they want-- even if it’s small airdrops.
- Can we create a pool that has tiny single-sided LM? That’s the same as a protocol owned airdrop. Instead of rewards going to staking wallets, they go to wallets with the parameters necessary (threshold we decide) to enable this short term incentive?
- Variables (thresholds) are:
- Chose this feature for low volume/fee pair pools.
- Trade size
- Limit orders to start
- Limit Order Time (variable) – until it gets filled, you can earn rewards (maybe, since timing is our thing (100D IL)
- (short-term) Timing bursts:
- Everyday a small Amt for certain pools/pairs - (~2 weeks inspite of DeFi summer?)
- “Surprise” days with larger amts.
- Both, until V3, or
- Variable Time amounts depending on pool/pair
- Make small ‘trading’ LM pools for these trading BNT kickbacks
- In the most conservative case, let’s see you want to LIMIT trade on UMA, CRV, or BALANCER— we could reward orders on these while folks wait, using the rewards from the tiny LM pool?
- My concern with doing this for a long period of time is that these folks might jump dump their rewards
- I’d like to see the new trade experience get rolled out before doing any sort of incentive. Trade volume is slowly growing over time without it.
If we incentivize traders but still have a lackluster trading experience then there won’t be much reason to come back.
But if we have the best in the industry trading experience and we use incentives to raise awareness, that’ll keep people coming back for more.
It’s what rewards have done. LPs don’t leave Bancor very much because staking is so good on it. - Has to stay in the pool. When you stake it burns protocol owned BNT.
- The folks that are eligible for rewards are those that have a BNT staked position that’s 100 days or older. Essentially, we incentivize LPs to stake and also trade on Bancor.
Any rewards that we give to these folks will most likely be restaked back into the network since they must have a BNT stake position >= 100 days. You can think of it as exclusive Bancorian perk. - The BNT that we kick back for each trade depends on the size of the order.
- We can potentially do something similar for limit orders for these individuals that have BNT staked position >= 100 days.
LONG TERM [Glenn, Ilyssa]
- We could potentially do something for TKN side LPs as well albeit at a lower rate of kicking back BNT for any trades that they do. The goal being that we want to convert these folks to be BNT holders so that they get better trade incentives.
- A structure can be set up so that if you have x amount of BNT for >= 100 days staked then you might get more rewards when trading. This will prevent folks from gaming the system by leaving a small amount of BNT stake forever so that they can get trading perks.
- @Ilyssa: this ACTUALLY incentivizes LPs to trade more than they are currently.