i suggest a similiar but different version for bancor. All LM rewards from tokens (not from bnt) should be lowered by 50% if no bnt is staked in the same pool. the 50% can be gained back if bnt is staked inside the same pool matching the value of the token in dollar.
current LM rewards for link are 11.22%. after bancor boost is implemented everyone with link in the pool will earn only 5.66%. if you have link worth of $10000 inside the pool and you stake bnt worth $10000 you will gain 11.22% in rewards. if you stake only $5000 in bnt you will gain 8.4%.
All not gained rewards could be distributed among all bnt stakers in the same pool or left out completely.
This is a real interesting concept, further incentivizing locking up BNT. I do think there will be a slightly different solution/incentive in v3 from what mark said at smart con.
Agree with tenzent, we know that the LM reward system is getting redesigned as part of V3 so we will have to wait and see what that looks like. I think the idea shared here is good and could be considered among others.
I have been a proponent of a boost system modeled after Curve. Essentially, 2x multiplier will only be made available to those that lock BNT into the system for x amount of time. The larger your stake in Bancor, the more BNT you need to lock in order to boost to 2x. The decay is linear over time so that you need to keep upping your lock in order to maintain your boost amount. Similarly, voting power is also based on how long you have locked, the longer you lock the more voting power you have.