I think the intuition here is that when LM isn’t resulting in new growth (it hasn’t for a long time considering pools have been capped, and volume hasn’t been growing on v2.1) then it’s just reslicing the pie instead of growing the pie
if we’re just reslicing the pie then we’re pitting LPs against each other, which will expend energy and resources to achieve nothing but these “feelings of betrayal”
ultimately all LPs benefit only if fees increase, and fees come from volume
whether you care about APYs or IL insurance, both of these things can only come from revenue
perhaps some future phase of bancor will have other revenue streams, but the platform needs to survive every day between now and then
the reason there is fear about cutting off inflationary rewards is because the b3 APYs barely cover the gas and withdrawal fee of stake/unstake and the v2.1 volume was never super high compared to prominent competitors for any sustained period
it is possible that less fees means less LPs means less fees, which is a scary thought for all, so it clearly takes some guts to propose and vote for this kind of change
the main benefit of LM rewards at the moment and for some time, hasn’t been to drive growth, it’s been to help sweep the relatively poor platform performance of v2.1 under a rug so that we can continue in a kind of “holding pattern” to give the devs space to finish coding v3
this has been a totally valid benefit as some rug sweeping has been needed to cover for a 12+ month release cycle, but the question is whether it would be valid to continue with the same approach for the coming 12+ months
the LM program simply borrows against the future, so the soon-to-be-live release and subsequent (hopefully more frequent!) releases need to pay for themselves AND ADDITIONALLY pay down the debt incurred during the lifespan of LM during v2.1
more rewards now means future releases have more debt to pay
fewer rewards now means the bar is set higher for current releases to compete
my main criticism of this proposal is not that LM rewards are good but that pragmatically the “current release” is still v2.1
- the pools are not launched to v3, still in manual testing phase and with active bug bounties and near daily reports of bugs coming in and being investigated
- LPs haven’t made their decision to migrate or not, so fuelling a potential emotional “rage quit” over “rugged rewards” seems like it is playing with fire
- “show don’t tell” as they say, we expect fees to be higher in b3 due to improved product but until we see higher fees, all LPs are being asked to migrate on faith rather than data
- every day that the ecosystem is fractured between v2.1 and v3 the split itself represents ever increasing risk
i do find it weird that on one hand we’re delaying whitelisting all the pools until every token is individually simulated and rigorously tested, while on the other we’re just proposing and voting completely new BNT tokenomics into existence every few days it seems