
As a general note, the Automaton is supporting most proposed fee changes by default; a data and analysis category has been established to help with visibility on these studies.

Proposal: Change the fee in the vBNT pool from 0.75% to 1.5%

The vBNT pool is unique; it is the engine that drives the Bancor Vortex, while also providing the means to access a type of “fast credit” for BNT liquidity providers. The fee on this pool therefore affects both the protocol, and users to a similar extent. From the protocol perspective, the change is relatively benign. Although its ability to purchase vBNT is slightly encumbered, since it is itself a participant, the change also represents an improved ability to capture BNT directly. For the liquidity provider, it is a positive change. For the swapper, the change is noticeable, albeit minor. On balance, the proposal to change the fee is acceptable - and could be grounds to increase the funding on the pool in the future.

The counter-argument is that very few individuals are likely to benefit. The vBNT pool is among the most exclusive in the network. After speaking with members of the community, it seems as though speculation on the vBNT token itself - as opposed to its intrinsic vortex, or governance use cases - is potentially harmed. It is an awkward dichotomy.

Given the nearly uniform opposition to this proposal, as voiced by those who have reached out in private communications, the Automaton is voting AGAINST this fee change.

Proposal: Change the fee in the REQ pool from 0.2% to 1.0%

The automaton will vote FOR the proposed fee change.

Proposal: Change the fee in the MTA pool from 0.3% to 1%

The automaton will vote FOR the proposed fee change.