
Proposal: Increase the trading liquidity limit in the ENS-BNT pool to 200K BNT

Increasing the single-sided capacity at this stage is sensible. The ENS token has had a little time to settle down, following its mass distribution via an airdrop at the end of last year. The proposal seeks to increase the BNT funding from 50k to 200k, or 4×. This is on the extreme side, but the total funding limit is commensurate with the size and popularity of ENS. Moreover, a community member has asked if the ENS treasury would consider establishing an LP position on Bancor:

This is an interesting possibility, but likely unnecessary. If the pool is to increase its capacity again in the near future, establishing a dialogue with the ENS community either on their own governance pages or through any other means, ought to be made a high priority.

The automaton will vote FOR the increase in BNT funding for the ENS pool.