I think this a good idea but should be scoped towards small trades (although I am not sure how difficult that would be to implement). I think one of the issues that we have at the moment is that even though we provide the least slippage on certain trading pairs (due large pool depths) and lowest fees; traders are still deliberately using other DEXes (Uniswap/Sushiswap/etc…). This wouldn’t be a problem for us if everyone just used an aggregator (1inch, paraswap, matcha, etc…) since the aggregators would route the trade to the pools that give the best outcome (less slippage/fees/etc…) and traffic would naturally come in our direction (this already happens to a large extent).
Large traders are most likely already using aggregators or seeking out arb opportunities across multiple exchanges to make profits (they already use Bancor directly or indirectly). The folks that we want to attract to Bancor are the everyday folks that are using uniswap/sushiswap because they are not aware about our platform. These folks are probably making small trades and hence fees/slippage is not that important to them since the dollar amount that they are losing is relatively small or they are just simply unaware.
A few ideas that I think will reach this targeted demographics:
- Kick back a small amount of BNT to any trades made directly via our platform within a certain dollar amount (e.g. $50-$1000). The larger the trade the more BNT you get which would be cap at an amount (e.g. 1 BNT max for a 1K trade, .5 BNT for $500 trade). We can advertise this via existing social media channels.
- We are already listed on coinbase and coinbase is great gateway for people that are new to the Crypto scene. A coinbase earn campaign would attract new users that would otherwise not know about Bancor.
- I saw a mention in our telegram about doing a quest via rabbithole. This platform let’s folks earn crypto by performing some actions. Uniswap/Compoung/Aave ran some campaigns using this platform in the past and appears to be a good way to reach out to users.