Tenzent.eth - Delegation

Voting Week Of July 12, 2021

Voted against SNX and AAVE LM Rewards but this is more so because there were no adjustments to the campaigns, should they go up for vote again I will reconsider based on the parameters surrounding Time and Emmisions.

Proposal Vote/Description
Add LM on Quant Pool AGAINST - Quant Pool has not earned a sufficiently high APR to justify the emmisions that a standard LM Campaign would emit. I recommend teams or communities to adjust their rewards and time parameters if they wish to enable LM on their pairs.
Add LM on COMP, 6 Week Duration, 2M Co-Invest FOR - Comp is a top-tier coin and as it stands we have very little liquidity on Bancor (sub 6 figures). This is greatly due to financial incentives on other platforms and a LM campaign here would certainly grow this pool exponentially. The 2M Co-Invest should allow us to generate enough initial space to allow people to justify switching their liquidity over from Sushi and Uni.
Extend LM on BAT Pool AGAINST - BAT has not seen any direct collaboration with Bancor and the depth has remained relatively Stagnant even though it’s got some of the higher APYs on the BNT side.
Extend LM on SNX AGAINST - Our Native Rates are sufficiently high to maintain liquidity and the pool has like the BAT pool remained relatively stagnant.
Extend LM on AAVE AGAINST - Same reasoning behind BAT although I have to say I would reconsider AAVE and SNX in the future under different provisions. I am not okay with giving the same amount of inflation to all of these pools and the same amount of times, We should see an adjustment to the time parameters to give the DAO more flexibility paired with some kind reduction to rewards.
Whitelist Arcona XR FOR - Arcona has been in bancor with double sided non protected liquidity for a minute, it makes the most sense to whitelist projects that have stuck with us despite not being the recipients of our main products, IL Insurance and Single Sided Staking. Projects like these will always earn my vote when it comes to whitelisting.
Whitelist WXT - 200K Co-Invest FOR - WXT Team has pledged to contribute to enabling and providing initial liquidity to the pool. Nothing to prevent us from whitelisting as far as I can see. There are also possibilities for collaboration in the future and they have already listed Bancor for purchase through their application.
Whitelist PLR - 50K Co-Invest FOR - Same reasoning as Arcona, PLR has had their liquidity live on Bancor for a good minute, it’s about time we gave them accesss to our main value offer.