Tenzent.eth - Delegation

Voting Week Of June 21, 2021

LM Rewards Halving on Stable Coins FOR - Bancor’s Current rates far exceed all other rewards regarding stables. It’s clear we are overpaying with rewards on these pairs and halving rewards will still probably end with all pools being filled.
Whitelist FARM with 500K BNT Co-Invest FOR - FARM Team has pledged to match 500,000$ in FARM Deposits to the pool. A long standing Yield aggregator with a top tier team. Also the Farm team has noted that once liquidity in bancor exceeds that of uniswap the platforms profit share mechanism can be pointed at bancor (Giving us a constant source of volume).
Whitelist LQTY with 150K BNT Co-Invest FOR - Meets criteria for whitelisting, also the co-investment side opens up just enough space for bancor to become the #1 Pool in TVL, surpassing the current V3 Pool. Team has shown interest and drafted the proposal so it is likely the space will be quickly filled
Whitelist NAOS with 100K BNT Co-Invest AGAINST - Will follow the reasoning given by @mbr and the voting automaton here as there seems to be somethings we are not fully aware of. For Reference and more in-depth on the reasons to reject this proposal check here : Votingautomaton.eth - #18 by mbr
Whitelist ORBS - Default 20K Co-Invest FOR - Orbs Meets criteria for whitelisting and there’s nothing stopping a whitelist. The proposal itself is also quite conservative since it only asks for the minimum set co-investment.
Increase Co-Investment on WOO to 750K BNT FOR - WOO Has become one of the best performing pools on bancor, despite being a mid cap it constantly ranks above a lot of our mega-cap pools. It’s obvious opening up more space is a great idea and we’ve also seen that the WOO Community is quick to fill up any space we open to them
Lower MKR Fees to 0.1% FOR - At the moment the Fees set on the MKR Pool are actually costing us because it makes it almost impossible for any aggregator trades to be routed through bancor. Lowering the fees here might have a massive impact on volume in what has otherwise been an underperforming pair.