Proposal to extend LM on SNX for an additional 12 weeks

This proposal is due to appear on Snapshot on 14th April, 8:00 pm UTC. Make sure to stake your vBNT for voting before this date and time to participate in the DAO decision.


  • Increase LM rewards on the SNX pool for a further 12 weeks.
  • SNX has been a top performer on the Bancor Network.

Voting Instructions


The SNX pool has been one of the best performers on the Bancor Network ranging between 1-2M dollars in daily volume and currently sits at around 41M TVL. In my opinion, SNX is a bluechip project and will only grow in trading volume in the near future. The LM expires in 10 days. To support the total locked SNX value on the network, I am asking the community to consider extending the SNX LM program for a further 12 weeks. This proposal will appear on Snapshot for a DAO decison on 14th April, 8:00 pm UTC.