This proposal is expected to appear on Snapshot for voting on June 19, 2022 (Lisbon) . Make sure to stake your vBNT for voting before this date and time to participate in the DAO decision. To pass, this proposal needs a quorum of 35% and 66.7% FOR votes.
- BIP17 allowed for the migration of all active V2.1 pools to V3
- The DAO’s whitelisting requirements are here
- There are certain cases in which tokens were whitelisted before these requirements were in place.
- This proposal is for the DAO to vote specifically on some of these pools where the token contract may add significant risk.
- NOTE: These exceptions are only possible for tokens that were whitelisted in V2.1.
- Other tokens that were not whitelisted on V2.1 have no such exemptions as they were not live on Bancor before the whitelisting requirements were in place.
- As outlined in the recent blog post there are 9 tokens that will be each brought up specifically for the DAO to vote on a white listing in V3.
- This proposal is for sBTC
- sBTC’s token contract allows for burning of aBTC in any account, including the token vault contract on Bancor V3.
- Link to contract: $21,036.82 | Synth sBTC (sBTC) Token Tracker | Etherscan
Voting Instructions:
To whitelist sBTC on Bancor V3, vote FOR this proposal
To do nothing, vote AGAINST this proposal