Proposal to Determine Whitelisting Status of sUSD on Bancor V3

I think that sUSD is a little different to USDT:

  1. v2.1 has no AUM or volume, so little market demand for Bancor liquidity.
  2. Synthetix DAO control the functions so we can open a dialogue with them to better understand the burn
  3. Synthetix community members may pledge to deposit liquidity on B3.
  4. I think most synthetix activity is on Optimism, How much volume is on L1 (etherscan indicates ~$100 M sUSD transfers per day).

It looks like sUSD was added to v2.1 as part of the boot strapping Have we ever seen deposits of sUSD to v2.1?

Personally, I’m leaning towards a NO unless we have some information around the burn and an expectation that we will get some deposits.

Does anyone have any contacts within Synthetix community (I have 1 or 2).

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