Proposal to deploy Carbon in Arbitrum

As data shows, the usebase for Carbon, still remains underwhelming compared to the expected volume. Is is very clear, that the easiest way to increase Carbon traction, is to explore other ecosystems with more potential users and tokens, hence increasing exponentially the usecases of the project

As a way to increase exposure to other enviroments, a short discussion with a poll was proposed a couple months ago in order to know which blockchain would the community prefer, and Arbitrum was picked as the most prefered by the carbon community (Carbon deployment in other chains / Carbon crosshain deployment [POLL])

I hereby then formally propose a vote on deploiying all the Carbon smart contracts in Arbitrum network and changing the UI to include the posibilty to connect the wallet through the official carbon site.

For: Aprove to deploy Carbon smart contracts in Arbitrum network, as the first additional sidechain besides Ethereum mainnet
Against: Do nothing.

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I think the idea is that projects running on L2 solutions will license Bancor Defi products and start using it. But maybe somebody from the team can respond to you on this.


I asked in Discord and was told that a proposal was needed for a deploy. As nobody seemed to be doing this, i decided to kickoff the process. It would be great if anybody from the team could confirm what you say.


I am personally not in favor of deploying on a L2 for free.

If there is a grant/liquidity incentives etc - Happy to consider

If there is a protocol or whale that would be interested in using Carbon and can commit to using it - Happy to consider

If not, might make more sense to license it and deploy the fast lane arb bot to the L2.

Again, just my personal opinion.


@foxsteven, can you give us more information about the licensing process? Is it defined and the team working on it? Is there any interest shown by any operator? In a decentralized L2 like Arbitrum, i dont quite get who exactly would be the entity “licensing” Carbon, can you give us more information on that also? If the licensing is defined and there is interest, it could make sense (btw what project hasnt deployed for “free”?), but if the licensing is never gonna happen, a “free” deployment would be better than no deployment, as this would help the protocol start to adquire usage and fees

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Hey Jack:

Yes, it is a defined process. It is a legal agreement between whoever licenses the source code and the Foundation that owns the IP.

Yes, the there was one recent announcement from a project that licensed the source code:

Sure: Bancor’s Innovative Technology Licensed to Power DeFi Protocols Across Multiple Layer 2s | by Jen Albert | Nov, 2023 | Bancor

MANY - you can take look at the grant applications and programs for all the major L1 and L2.

Lastly, I want to add that one more note. One long time member of the Bancor community actually put me in touch with a protocol that is currently considering a license as well.


To provide an update here, since this was posted Carbon DeFi is now lived on multiple blockchains that are EVM compatible including Coinbase Base, Fantom, and Mantle. These are deployments that are owned by other groups and they each have their own branding.

In addition, recently the DAO voted to launch Carbon DeFi on Sei v2 and you can read about that proposal here (Proposal to Deploy CarbonDefi on the Upcoming SEI V2). I personally supported this proposal as the reasons provided makes me believe that Sei wants to have us there. Personally, I wrote a Twitter thread ( publicly about my support for the proposal and received a lot of support from the Sei community. Also, more importantly, I think SEI v2 could unlock the design space for future iterations of the protocol which to me is very exciting.

Regarding Arbitrum, I agree with Steven in that we have to be strategic about where we launch and need good reasons for doing so as there is overhead involved with having another deployment in another Blockchain that we need to consider. Graphene is moving very quickly with their deployments on other blockchains and they also announced that they will be launching on Arbitrum per the Twitter thread that Steven posted. The goal I think should be ultimately to have Carbon DeFi on all major EVM compatible L1s and L2s and I think Arbitrum is not out of the question.

For now, I think it is better to archive this proposal as there hasn’t been much discussion.

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The fact that there hasnt been much discussion is shameful for this community, specially given that some contributors just plain ignore some proposals and seem completely disengaged from the community. The fact that they all rushed to answer SEI proposal while ignored this just shows everything.

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