Proposal: Set trading fees to 1% on LPL-BNT pool from current .1%

This proposal is expected to appear on Snapshot for voting on 2021-12-26T17:00:00Z. Make sure to stake your vBNT for voting before this date and time to participate in the DAO decision.


  • This proposal seeks to increase the pool fees from .1% to 1% on the LPL-BNT pool. We have the largest amount of liquidity for this token by far (~23 times as much as the next largest pool) and can earn more profits for LPs by doing so. This would be to the detriment of arb bots that are otherwise profiting from the low fees on this pool ATM.


  1. A higher conversion fee will bring in more trading fees for this pool and be more profitable for LPL LPs.


  1. We should not increase the pool fees

There are currently ~110K $BNT and ~71.3K $LPL tokens in the BNT-LPL pool. This has resulted in a pool that has roughly ~800K in liquidity. This proposal seeks to increase the pool fees from .1% to 1% as we have the largest amount of liquidity for this token by far (~23 times as much as the next largest pool on Uniswap V3)



The second-largest pool for LPL is on Uniswap V3 and it is paired with ETH. Pool depth is roughly 38K and fees are set at 1%:

There is also a much smaller size pool on Uniswap V2 with 20K in liquidity:

This pool shares some similarities to the TRACstrong text pool in which we have the largest amount of liquidity for a specific token. This means that the observations which we will gather from the following fee change schedule:

might prove to be useful for this pool in the future. From my personal observations and experience, having a 1% fee for this pool is reasonable for this token given the liquidity depth and also because we would be at the same conversation fee as Uniswap V3 as well.

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