Proposal: Increase trading liquidity limit in the VITA pool from 100K BNT to 500K BNT

Proposal to increase the trading liquidity limit in the VITA pool from 100k BNT to 500k BNT

For this proposal to pass, it requires a 35% quorum and 66.7% supermajority.

This proposal is expected to appear on Snapshot for voting on 2022-02-13T00:00:00Z. Make sure to stake your vBNT for voting before this date and time to participate in the DAO decision.


  • The VITA pool has recently been whitelisted.

  • Increasing the pool’s liquidity will improve price impact and help direct more volume to Bancor.

  • This proposal seeks to increase the trading liquidity limit in the pool from 100k BNT to 500k BNT.


The VITA pools with deepest liquidity in Ethereum DEXes are:

The VITA/ETH pool on Uniswap v3 with $3.11m liquidity [1].

The VITA/WETH 50%/50% pool on Balancer with $1,404,270 liquidity [2].

The VITA/WETH 80%/20% pool on Balancer with $1,276,870 liquidity [3].

The VITA pool on Bancor with $582,526 liquidity [4].

The extra liquidity would bring the total pool liquidity to ~$2.83m, making the VITA pool on Bancor the 2nd deepest VITA pool in any DEX.


Increase trading liquidity in the VITA pool from 100k BNT to 500k BNT.


Keep the trading liquidity in the VITA pool at 100k BNT.

[1] Uniswap Info

[2] Balancer

[3] Balancer

[4] Bancor: Converter 715 | Address 0x7B96138d36895e5e68d93561D24465e66E827206 | Etherscan


This would be really exciting for us as a DAO, and we’d love to fill this up almost fully (leaving some room for others that might want to join), making it our biggest capital pool and thus increasing the routing towards Bancor.


Hey @vincent - can you confirm if are on the VITA team?

yes, see VitaDAO Community - Longevity DAO - Become a member :slight_smile: