Proposal to increase the trading liquidity limit in the PSP-BNT pool to 300K BNT
For this proposal to pass, it requires a 35% quorum and 66.7% supermajority.
This proposal is expected to appear on Snapshot for voting on 2022-01-02T00:00:00Z. Make sure to stake your vBNT for voting before this date and time to participate in the DAO decision.
- The PSP-BNT pool was recently whitelisted and is currently at $1,271,300 liquidity. The Paraswap DAO agreed to allocate 1.5m PSP to provide liquidity on the PSP-BNT pool.
- The pool currently has space for 120,508 PSP.
- This proposal aims to increase the trading liquidity from 200k BNT to 300k BNT to open up space to increase liquidity in the pool.
@tenzent proposed allocating a part of the Paraswap treasury to be deposited on Bancor, citing some of its biggest advantages, namely, single-sided staking and impermanent loss protection.
The proposal passed with 89.29% votes in favor of a 1.5m PSP allocation at the time of writing, and can be found on their snapshot.
The pool is now at $1,271,300 liquidity. The PSP/WETH pool on Sushiswap is the deepest source of liquidity on a DEX, at $2,583,696.64 liquidity [1]. Increase the trading limit in this pool would allow for more PSP to be staked single-sided, reducing price impact and increasing volume from aggregators.
Therefore this proposal seeks to increase the trading liquidity limit in the PSP/BNT pool from 200k BNT to 300k BNT, thus opening space for 826,775 PSP extra, with BNT at $3.24 and PSP at $0.391884. The opened space in the PSP/BNT pool would allow it to have a $1.944m liquidity if the space is filled.
Increase trading liquidity in the PSP-BNT pool for a second time to 300k BNT.
Keep the trading liquidity in the PSP-BNT pool at 200k BNT.