Proposal: Add Liquidity Mining rewards for UNI and SUSHI

BNT Liquidity Mining was recently approved by Bancor governance, with weekly BNT rewards currently being generated by liquidity providers staking in 10 rewards pools.

LPs who stake in qualifying pools earn BNT rewards retroactively when liquidity mining eventually goes live.

The long-term success of the Bancor protocol as both an exchange and a trading platform, depends in part on attracting liquidity directly from other DEXs. Whilst LPing on Bancor is the only way to protect yourself from impermanent loss, we have a long way to go to ensure that the market catches up to this development.

We therefore propose to enter UNI and SUSHI into the Liquidity Mining Program for a full 12 weeks as large-cap pools.

Making these tokens eligible for significant LM rewards will:

  1. Educate long-term Uniswap and Sushiwap users about the opportunity to provide liquidity to those tokens in Bancor, free of the risk of impermanent loss
  2. Play an indispensable role in raising Bancor’s profile as the most liquidity provider-friendly DEX in DeFi.

To vote to add UNI and SUSHI to the LM program:

:shield: Stake BNT in a protected pool on

:classical_building: Receive vBNT

:ballot_box: Use vBNT to vote on

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This could be a good way to pull over UNI that essentially is good for only speculation. Not sure if Large Cap is required since we don’t really gain anything by having UNI locked in on Bancor.
Since Uniswap didn’t even LM reward their own UNI-ETH pool this would be a good way to pull over that UNI for swaps. Let me know if you’d like some data from the UNI-ETH LP pool. I’ve been in over 100 days now

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