Fee Change on FTT (FTX TOKEN) to .5%

To be pushed to Snapshot on August 8th

Hello Happy Bancor Frens:

We currently have a pool for FTT: FTX Token price today, FTT live marketcap, chart, and info | CoinMarketCap

However, the pool has under $1,000 of space for FTT LPs and isn’t really attractive given the tiny pool size and low volume.

I hope to solve this in 2 steps:

Step 1 (this proposal): Change the fee to .5% to make a decent APR.

Step 2 (in the coming weeks): Once the pool has some time with the new fee, I will write a proposal for increased co investment. At that point, I hope the APY will be large enough to attract much more liquidity.

Vote FOR to change the fee to .5%
Vote AGAINST to keep the fee as is

Would it be better for us to do a co-investment increase first? If the pool has no space at the moment:


then that means that there is a demand from FTT holders to stake single sided with IL protection. A co-investment increase should help us get more depth and lead to more volume (which ultimately means more fees). The other DEXes don’t have much liquidity for this token:


so it should relatively easy for us to attract these LPs once we open up space.