Bancor 3.0 – The Next Frontier: derivatives, margin, and the power of vBNT

Great thought provocative post! I’ve suggested that over time, just like has happened with equity trading, trading fees/commissions in crypto will go to zero; therefore, it makes sense to plan far ahead to leap frog the competition, and to explore how to diversify the protocol’s revenue stream beyond trading fees alone. Lending, both margin and assets, is a massive revenue opportunity, as is offering derivatives.

Agreed! Now that we have ample liquidity, we must succeed at attracting the trading community. The Trader incentives discussion contains some good ideas, as does Valueable NFT lottery to incentivize trading. To achieve a higher probability of successful execution, the idea to formalize marketing efforts discussed in Automatically allocate 2% of fees to marketing would result in Bancor’s sending a consistent and coordinated message to the trading community and the market in general.