Structured Forum Governance

Yo, I added a bit to what MBR had above if anyone else has any more things to add this seems like a way to keep things more organized. I think each category should also have its own little guidelines page so we don’t squish too much info into one post like the radicle one. something like a sample post with a recommended but not required format would be good to have at the top of every category.

Stage 0. Temperature Check (Non-Mandatory). For Users that want to address an issue or token they feel is important but are not sure they have the best solution/proposal parameters a “Temperature Check” thread can be made. This is a general discussion thread where the Author can address an issue or a token they wish to list with perhaps a few ideas of his own on how to go about it and the community adds to and edits it together in order to form a Draft Proposal or if sufficiently developed be put forth as a Final Proposal.
NOTE : Temperature checks are not necessary to submit a Draft Proposal.

Stage 1. Draft Proposal. The forum is upgraded with more descriptive categories and moderated appropriately by community members. Draft proposals are then submitted to these categories for discussion/engagement, and revised as needed.

Forum Categories

  • Temperature Check : Temperature checks are more free form discussions where the author does not necessarily have to have a concrete finalized plan/solution but rather one common issue or token proposal for everyone to unite around and brainstorm.

  • Whitelisting : Whitelisting Proposals are essentially applications for insurance, as such proposals under this category should be about protocol security. This means things such as Mint functions, Audits, Distributions of the Token’s Supply, etc.

  • Co-Investments/LM Rewards/LM Extensions : Co-investment and or LM proposals should be centered around the economic value a token brings to the platform and how an increase in Co-Investment or LM incentives would benefit bancor. These proposals should show there is an interest to not only provide liquidity but also for the trading to occur on the platform (be it through aggregators or directly on bancor) since liquidity that doesn’t accrue fees is counter productive. This is also a great time to pitch the value of your coin and the potential growth since a co-investment does also mean bancor incurs some equity over time in said TKN.

Stage 2. Final Proposal. Forum moderators can then move finalized proposals from the drafting forum to a dedicated page - reflecting that these are the vote-ready proposals. This would also be helpful vis-a-vis our Snapshot implementation. Moderators can help to ensure that the block nominations are reasonable, and even set a proposed vote commencement date and time.

Stage 3. Snapshot Vote. Either the authors, moderators, or someone else in the community can execute the proposal for a vote at/near the planned commencement date.