Proposing Carbon (FINAL)

Voting Instructions:

BIP 23 - BancorDAO Authorization of Carbon Deployment on Ethereum Mainnet:

This decision relates to Carbon, as described in the litepaper, white paper, and its ancillary simulation and research materials as they appear on GitHub and JupyLite .

  • Vote FOR to agree to the deployment of Carbon on Ethereum mainnet.

  • Vote AGAINST to disagree to the deployment of Carbon on Ethereum mainnet.

BIP 24 - Taker Fee Implementation and Initial Settings:

This decision relates to the initial value of the taker fee on Carbon, and is contingent on the authorization of the BancorDAO to deploy the proposed Carbon protocol on Ethereum mainnet.

  • Vote FOR to agree to the proposed taker fee implementation, and initial value of 0.2% (20 bps), applied protocol-wide to all tokens and token pairs.

  • Vote AGAINST to defeat the proposal, requiring either a future proposal for a new taker fee concept, quantity, or to indicate you would prefer no taker fee at all.

BIP 25 - Maker Fee Implementation and Initial Settings:

This decision relates to the tentative maker fee implementation, where fees are collected in the gas token of the chain Carbon is deployed on, and targets an approximate $1 value (0.0005 ETH) at the time of writing, with its initial deployment on Ethereum.

  • Vote FOR to agree to the five proposed maker fee categories, and initial settings of 0.0005 ETH (approx. $1 at the time of writing) for each, which is applied equally to all maker actions, regardless of the position size.

  • Vote AGAINST to defeat the proposal, requiring either a future proposal for a new maker fee concept, quantity, or to indicate you would prefer no maker fee at all.

BIP 26 - BancorDAO Authorization of Carbon Deployment on Ethereum Mainnet in Lieu of Maker Fee Implementation:

This decision relates to the approval of Carbon’s deployment at its soonest available date, with or without a finalized maker fee implementation.

  • Vote FOR to agree to an initial Carbon deployment, with or without a maker fee implementation.

  • Vote AGAINST to require a maker fee implementation prior to the initial release of Carbon.

BIP 27 - Protocol Fee Maintenance Policy:

This decision relates to the proposed constancy requirement and DAO process for maintaining reasonable fee values for Carbon, wherever it is deployed.

  • Vote FOR to agree that a maximum 180 day period between proposal submissions to review protocol fee settings for Carbon, wherever it is deployed, should become part of the DAO canon.

  • Vote AGAINST to disagree to the fee review policy, requiring either a future proposal for a different policy, or no policy at all.

BIP 28 - BNT Burning Policy and Procedures on Carbon:

This decision relates to the proposed use of the Bancor Vortex to perform exchange between the protocol’s accumulated tokens and BNT for the purpose of returning token balances on Bancor’s legacy protocols to surplus.

  • Vote FOR to agree to the proposed Vortex implementation, and the following revision to a prior vote: “no less than 98% and up to 100% of the protocol fees from Carbon should be used to recover BNT for the express purpose of burning it, where the difference between the burning efficiency and 100% is attributable to the cost of incentivizing the contract’s caller”.

  • Vote AGAINST to disagree with the proposed use of the Bancor Vortex, and/or the provided revisions to the prior vote, requiring a future proposal.