There is a growing deficit that needs to be dealt with. While new revenue generation methods are great, they do not outweigh the potential for a massive increase in deficit in the short term. Larger and more substantial solutions need to be discussed. One of those potential solutions is to tokenize the deficit.
While I am no developer, and do not have all of the technical details, the rough idea is as follows:
Establish a stable “safe” ratio at which the deficit can assumed to be in order for the protocol to function as intended. This ratio may increase or decrease in the future due to new features and revenue streams.
Establish an “unsafe” ratio at which the deficit can be assumed to be too low in order for the protocol to function as intended.
Create a deficit/debt token. For the purpose of this discussion, we will call this “dBNT”.
Mint this token only when the deficit is below the stable safe ratio.
While minting is enabled, sell this token directly to the public at a stable price. Lets say 5 DAI each.
Allow the staking of dBNT. dBNT is not staked with any other pairs and is not traded. Staking simply implies there is a method for which dBNT holders can deposit their asset on to the platform to accrue fees, as outlined under this section.
Establish a dBNT Buyback pool, and a cap to that pool equal to the amount of dBNT sold multipled by it’s price (The price at which it is sold on Bancor), multiplied by a number above 100%. For this discussion we will use 120%. If there is a total of 1,000 dBNT sold at 5 DAI each, we’re looking at a pool total of 6,000 DAI. Buyback Pool = Total dBNT x dBNT price x 120%
Direct all revenue streams to dBNT stakers while the deficit remains under the unsafe ratio.
Direct “a portion” of revenue to dBNT stakers while the deficit remains between the safe and unsafe ratios, relative to the difference between those two deficit ratios. (As the deficit is lowered, the revenue for dBNT stakers is lowered)
While the deficit is above the safe ratio, that surplus is deposited in to the Buyback pool.
While the deficit is above the safe ratio, revenue to dBNT stakers is lowered substantially or removed altogether.
Once the buyback pool is full, stop revenue to dBNT stakers and stop revenue deposits to the Buyback pool.
Bancor buys back and burns dBNT at ANY TIME for a price relative to the buyback pool. If we use the same 120% model and assume the buyback pool as been filled, then all dBNT stakers will be selling their dBNT at a 20% profit. This doesn’t include any fees they may have accrued along that way while the protocol remained under the safe deficit level. If the buyback pool is not filled, then dBNT stakers may sell their position for a portion of the cost relative to size of the buyback pool.
This is a rough idea, but it allows those that believe in a Bancor recovery to be directly exposed to that recovery, while profiting from it substantially. This model shifts the current deficit issue away from existing liquidity providers who may or may not desire to remain in the pools to those that see a recovery in the future and want to be rewarded for their investment in the health of the protocol. The worse the protocol deficit, the more potential reward for dBNT stakers. Not only can this proposal help to decrease the current deficit, but also maintain the deficit at a safe level in the future. As the deficit grows, there is more incentive to purchase dBNT due to increased fees.
There are many variables that I have probably missed, and I definitely know the exact numbers that the many ratios I have mentioned should be maintained at. Thanks.
Added image to clarify