Proposal: to set funding limit to 0 on CROWN Bancor 3 pool

Expected on Snapshot on October 6th, 2024


  • CROWN pool on Bancor v3 has a surplus
  • This proposal is looking to set the funding limit to 0


This proposal is looking to the set the funding limit to 0 on the Bancor 3 CROWN pool. This means that it will no longer trade as there is no BNT liquidity allocated to it. Any BNT liquidity currently allocated to the pool will be destroyed. It is important to note that LPs will be able to withdraw their positions and respected token quantities if the pool is disabled.


Set the funding limit to 0 on the CROWN pool if it is currently in surplus. Otherwise, if at any point in the future of this proposal passing the pool goes into surplus then the funding limit can be set to 0.


Do nothing.