Proposal: Set trading fees to .2% on CEL-BNT pool

This proposal is expected to appear on Snapshot for voting on 2021-12-26T17:00:00Z. Make sure to stake your vBNT for voting before this date and time to participate in the DAO decision.


  • This proposal seeks to decrease the pool fees from 1% to .2% to be at the same level as the Uniswap (V2 & V3) pools which have equal or greater liquidity and therefore make us more competitive.


  1. A lower conversion fee will put this pool at the same levels as the Uniswap (V2 & V3) pools and bring more volume to our DEX


  1. We should not lower the pool fees

There are currently ~294K $BNT and ~254K $CEL tokens in the BNT-CEL pool. This has resulted in a pool that has roughly ~2M in liquidity. This proposal seeks to decrease the pool fees from 1% to .2% to be at the same level as the Uniswap (V2 & V3) pools which have equal or greater liquidity and therefore make us more competitive.



The top pool for CEL is on Uniswap V3 and it is paired with ETH. Pool depth is roughly 6.36M and we should try to match our fees to be competitive:

There is also a decent size pool on Uniswap V2 with 1.6M in liquidity:

Note that both of these pools have a fee of .3% and I am requesting that the fee be set to .2% for this specific reason (a double hop swap from ETH-BNT and BNT-CEL has a cost of .3%).