Proposal - Remove the 365 day limit from the following proposals

Expected on snapshot July 29, 2024

Proposal - Remove the 365 day limit from the following proposals


  • About 1 year ago, a series of proposals appeared suggesting that if V3 pools go into surplus, they can be frozen in that state.
  • Most had the following language:
    • Set the funding limit to 0 on the XXX pool if it is currently in surplus. Otherwise, if at any point in the future of this proposal passing the pool goes into surplus then the funding limit can be set to 0.
  • Some had the following language:
    • Set the funding limit to 0 on the XXX pool if it is currently in surplus. Otherwise, if at any point in time within 365 days of this proposal passing the pool goes into surplus then the funding limit can be set to 0.


This proposal suggests to amend the two proposals below to ensure that they can be frozen if they hit a state of surplus regardless of the 365 day language from the original proposal.



The other active pools already have the other language.


Remove the 365 day limit so the DAO can freeze pools in surplus


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