This proposal is expected to appear on Snapshot for voting on 2022-05-08T15:00:00Z. Make sure to stake your vBNT for voting before this date and time to participate in the DAO decision.
For this proposal to pass, it requires a 35% quorum and 66.7% supermajority.
- The wNXM liquidity balance is currently full.
- The wNXM treasury is looking to deposit an extra 20K wNXM tokens into the Bancor wNXM/BNT pool.
- This proposal seeks to increase the trading liquidity limit in the pool from 3,000,000 BNT to 3,325,000 BNT.
- Increasing the pool’s liquidity will improve price impact and help direct more volume to Bancor.
There are currently ~3.7m $BNT and ~280k $wNXM tokens in the BNT-wNXM pool. This has resulted in a pool that has roughly ~15m in liquidity. This proposal seeks to increase the $wNXM pool’s single-sided capacity by increasing the trading liquidity limit to 3,325,000 $BNT .
The extra $BNT trading liquidity would increase the total pool TVL by at least ~$1.3m (assuming $BNT at $2.00)
Increase trading liquidity in the wNXM pool from 3,000,000 BNT to 3,325,000 BNT to make space for an additional 20k wNXM from the NexusMutual treasury
Keep the trading liquidity in the wNXM pool at 3m BNT.