Consolidating recent proposals by @alphavalion

Can I suggest for this option 3 that instead of creating a Carbon strategy at current market price that we apply a 5% discount? BNT Buy order = current BNT market price - 5%

The order will be there and ready to be taken when BNT falls in price which means that it can act as a support for the token. When there is more ETH that comes from the Carbon vortex, it can simply be added to the existing order for bigger buying power. I prefer the DAO to buy BNT at a discount vs. spot price since we can burn more BNT and it provides support for the token when the market is falling.

What I suggest to foxsteven is to put all these options for the DAO to decide. Option 2 is similar to Option 3

  1. Function that trades each TKN for ETH on another exchange, based on a decentralized oracle such as Uni v2/3.

Step 2. Split ETH 50-50 into two LSDs such as wSTETH and rETH

Step 3. Create a strategy around this which is very easy to do as these two tokens trade almost at parity. From richardsonmark

if I pick with my eyes this should be buy at .95 and sell at .97 its that easy. I also shared a better idea earlier

take the last 30 days and get the average price. If you want to have two limit orders add 2% to the average price and make that the sell high limit order. Subtract 2% from the average price and make that the buy low limit order.

If you want to have range orders then have the sell high limit order be 2%-4% above the average price and the buy low limit order be 2%-4% below the average price.

Step 4. Nothing else to do, strategy will continue forever on replay

Step 5. Win