Bancor 3 Token Support Schedule

Voting Instructions

Voting FOR this proposal supports a maximum 14-day period wherein the approximate 150+ tokens of the BancorDAO’s whitelist are introduced to Bancor 3, following the completion of the Beta testing program.

Voting AGAINST this proposal supports the requirement for all 150+ whitelisted tokens to become available immediately at the conclusion of the Beta testing program.


The proposal to end the Beta testing period within 24 hours of 13:00 UTC, on May 11th 2022 was recently decided by the BancorDAO (Discourse: Proposed Beta Testing End Date, Snapshot: 14,716,332). Therefore, the beta restrictions will be lifted within a few short days.

Thereafter, the task of enabling and bootstrapping the remaining token whitelist will begin. I am asking for a 14-day period wherein this objective can be met, as opposed to creating approximately150 additional whitelisted pools simultaneously as the restrictions from the Beta test are lifted.

The following schedule is being proposed:

    "May-11" : ["DAI", "ETH", "LINK"],
    "May-12" : [],
    "May-13" : ["ENJ", '1INCH', '1ONE', 'AAVE', 'ALCX', 'ALEPH', 'ALPHA', 'AMP', 'ANKR', 'ANT', 'APW', 'ARCONA', 'ARMOR', 'AST', 'AUC', 'AXS', 'BAL', 'BAND', 'BAT', 'BBS', 'BMI', 'BNB', 'BOBA', 'BOND', 'BOR', 'BORING'],
    "May-14" : [],
    "May-15" : ["OCEAN", 'BUSD', 'BZRX', 'CEL', 'CHZ', 'COMP', 'COT', 'CREAM', 'CRO', 'CRV', 'CTSI', 'DAO', 'DAPP', 'DATA', 'DDX', 'DEXE', 'DIP', 'DRC', 'DUSK', 'DXD', 'DYDX', 'EDEN', 'ELF', 'ENS', 'EWTB', 'FARM'],
    "May-16" : [],
    "May-17" : ["USDC", 'FODL', 'FOX', 'FRM', 'FTX Token', 'FXS', 'GNO', 'GRT', 'GTC', 'GUSD', 'HEGIC', 'HOT', 'HY', 'ICHI', 'IDLE', 'INDEX', 'INST', 'JRT', 'KNC', 'KTN', 'LPL', 'LQTY', 'LRC', 'LYRA', 'MANA', 'MASK'],
    "May-18" : [],
    "May-19" : ["USDT", 'MATIC', 'MFG', 'MFI', 'MKR', 'MLN', 'MONA', 'MPH', 'MTA', 'NDX', 'NEXO', 'NMR', 'NOIA', 'OMG', 'OPIUM', 'PATH', 'PERP', 'PHTR', 'PLR', 'POOL', 'POOLZ', 'POWR', 'PSP', 'QNT', 'QUICK', 'RAIL'],
    "May-20" : [],
    "May-21" : ["wBTC", 'RARI', 'REN', 'REQ', 'RGT', 'RLC', 'RNB', 'ROOK', 'RPL', 'RSR', 'RUNE', 'SAO', 'SATA', 'SFI', 'SHEESHA', 'SMARTCREDIT', 'SNX', 'SPELL', 'SRM', 'STAKE', 'SUSHI', 'SXP', 'TEMP', 'TOMOE', 'TRAC', 'TRB'],
    "May-22" : [],
    "May-23" : ["wNXM", 'TRIBE', 'TRU', 'UMA', 'UNI', 'UOS', 'VISION', 'VITA', 'VLX', 'WOO', 'WXT', 'YFI', 'ZCN', 'ZRX', 'bBADGER', 'bDIGG', 'eRSDL', 'rETH', 'renBTC', 'renZEC', 'sBTC', 'sUSD', 'vBNT', 'wstETH', 'xSUSHI'],
    "May-24" : [],
| May-11   | May-12   | May-13   | May-14   | May-15   | May-16   | May-17    |
| DAI      |          | ENJ      |          | OCEAN    |          | USDC      |
| ETH      |          | 1INCH    |          | BUSD     |          | FODL      |
| LINK     |          | 1ONE     |          | BZRX     |          | FOX       |
|          |          | AAVE     |          | CEL      |          | FRM       |
|          |          | ALCX     |          | CHZ      |          | FTX Token |
|          |          | ALEPH    |          | COMP     |          | FXS       |
|          |          | ALPHA    |          | COT      |          | GNO       |
|          |          | AMP      |          | CREAM    |          | GRT       |
|          |          | ANKR     |          | CRO      |          | GTC       |
|          |          | ANT      |          | CRV      |          | GUSD      |
|          |          | APW      |          | CTSI     |          | HEGIC     |
|          |          | ARCONA   |          | DAO      |          | HOT       |
|          |          | ARMOR    |          | DAPP     |          | HY        |
|          |          | AST      |          | DATA     |          | ICHI      |
|          |          | AUC      |          | DDX      |          | IDLE      |
|          |          | AXS      |          | DEXE     |          | INDEX     |
|          |          | BAL      |          | DIP      |          | INST      |
|          |          | BAND     |          | DRC      |          | JRT       |
|          |          | BAT      |          | DUSK     |          | KNC       |
|          |          | BBS      |          | DXD      |          | KTN       |
|          |          | BMI      |          | DYDX     |          | LPL       |
|          |          | BNB      |          | EDEN     |          | LQTY      |
|          |          | BOBA     |          | ELF      |          | LRC       |
|          |          | BOND     |          | ENS      |          | LYRA      |
|          |          | BOR      |          | EWTB     |          | MANA      |
|          |          | BORING   |          | FARM     |          | MASK      |
| May-18   | May-19   | May-20   | May-21      | May-22   | May-23   | May-24   |
|          | USDT     |          | wBTC        |          | wNXM     |          |
|          | MATIC    |          | RARI        |          | TRIBE    |          |
|          | MFG      |          | REN         |          | TRU      |          |
|          | MFI      |          | REQ         |          | UMA      |          |
|          | MKR      |          | RGT         |          | UNI      |          |
|          | MLN      |          | RLC         |          | UOS      |          |
|          | MONA     |          | RNB         |          | VISION   |          |
|          | MPH      |          | ROOK        |          | VITA     |          |
|          | MTA      |          | RPL         |          | VLX      |          |
|          | NDX      |          | RSR         |          | WOO      |          |
|          | NEXO     |          | RUNE        |          | WXT      |          |
|          | NMR      |          | SAO         |          | YFI      |          |
|          | NOIA     |          | SATA        |          | ZCN      |          |
|          | OMG      |          | SFI         |          | ZRX      |          |
|          | OPIUM    |          | SHEESHA     |          | bBADGER  |          |
|          | PATH     |          | SMARTCREDIT |          | bDIGG    |          |
|          | PERP     |          | SNX         |          | eRSDL    |          |
|          | PHTR     |          | SPELL       |          | rETH     |          |
|          | PLR      |          | SRM         |          | renBTC   |          |
|          | POOL     |          | STAKE       |          | renZEC   |          |
|          | POOLZ    |          | SUSHI       |          | sBTC     |          |
|          | POWR     |          | SXP         |          | sUSD     |          |
|          | PSP      |          | TEMP        |          | vBNT     |          |
|          | QNT      |          | TOMOE       |          | wstETH   |          |
|          | QUICK    |          | TRAC        |          | xSUSHI   |          |
|          | RAIL     |          | TRB         |          |          |          |

Requested Flexibility

The order of the tokens proposed here will be respected; however, the precise timing may be subject to unforeseen changes. Therefore, I am asking for the BancorDAO’s approval to allow the day on which any set of tokens be supported on Bancor 3 to fall within a +/- 24 hour window. For example, the batch of tokens contained inside the May-13 set may be supported at the earliest on May-12, and at the latest by May-14. Similarly, the batch of tokens contained inside the May-15 set may be supported as early as May-14, and as late as May-16. Therefore, it is possible to batch both of these sets together on May-14; however, it is impossible to batch the May-15 set before the May-13 set.

These guidelines will be strictly adhered to if, and only if a person with reasonable experience in blockchain, and a sound understanding of smart contract security would deem it appropriate. Therefore, any interruptions, hacks, economic exploits, or any untoward behavior affecting either the Bancor 3 contracts directly or indirectly, or any token within the next scheduled set, or any preceding set of supported tokens, will immediately rescind this schedule. In the unlikely event that such a situation arises, a new proposal will be prepared to process the remaining sets.

24-hours Notice of Bancor 3 Enabled Tokens

To counterbalance the ambiguity associated with such a loosely-defined schedule, if this proposal is approved, I will commit to informing the BancorDAO of the next set of whitelisted tokens with a minimum of 24 hours notice.

Completion Deadline

With the passing of this proposal, I am committed to full absorption of the token whitelist as defined in BIP17 (Discourse: Bancor 3 Initial Whitelist, BNT Funding Limits, and Swap Fees, Snapshot: 14,567,124) into the Bancor 3 ecosystem before 11:59 UTC (midnight) on May 24, 2020.

Justification of the Proposed Schedule

The schedule was composed as follows. The nine largest pools on Bancor v2.1 were moved into their own set:

['DAI', 'ENJ', 'ETH', 'LINK', 'OCEAN', 'USDC', 'USDT', 'wBTC', 'wNXM']

The remaining whitelist was then organized alphabetically, and split into 6 parts. The Pools from the Beta test were removed from the large pools set, and the remaining large 6 pairs were added back into the remaining sets, also according to their alphabetical order. This method is designed to achieve three independent outcomes:

  1. The alphabetization method helps to alleviate accusations of preferential treatment and bias on behalf of the author of this proposal with regard to which tokens are supported before others.
  2. The separation of large pools and their distribution across the official launch period helps to limit sudden increases in protocol TVL, and affords a degree of visibility which assists with our monitoring processes during this important establishing period of the protocol.
  3. The batching of 6 discrete sets saves on development overhead, and frees developer resources to help manage other aspects of the system, including front end issues, user questions etc.

A Note on Expedited DAO Processes

The time-sensitivity of this proposal seems fit for an expedited DAO decision, as outlined in BIP3.


Are we on track, also is this just in the backend? When will the front end come through?

what happened to this schedule?

Security > speed was the discussion in calls.

Superseded by: Proposal: Complete Token Migration to V3