QNT transaction fee change?

This can absolutely be done, there has been an attempt at something similar. Here’s that post if you wanna try to use it as a template. Proposal. Experiment to assess effect of 0.1% swap fee on USDT stable coin pool

A good way to check what trades are being routed through Bancor is just to simply go on different Aggregators (1Inch is the #1) and check trades at different price levels like 1,000 USD, 10,000 USD, and 100K to see how much if any is being routed through Bancor going both from TKN → ETH and ETH → TKN.

It does not put any downward pressure on BNT Price but it does give BNT more depth and by that logic makes it hard to move price up/down. People are not staking BNT side because there are more lucrative LM campaigns but V3 might bring a solution to this as this has been something we have talked about repetitively in the community.

No noob questions here, glad to have you !