Proposal to start sunsetting Bancor V3

I will update the proposal to go up to snapshot in two weeks and this would be 5/21 instead of 5/14. I think that if you have a competing proposal or idea that this should be more than enough time to have something in governance for the community to review.

It shouldn’t matter whether carbon is ready or not since your proposal can be voted in by the DAO but be implemented at a future date or when some criteria is met. As the author you should be able to specify that.

The future should be quite clear by now to everyone in this community. The V3 model is broken and not attractive for any LP to deposit funds into. Furthermore, we all know that we can never overcome IL with fees and this was proven by the experiment that was ran for 2+ years. It makes zero sense for any focus to be put into a protocol that is no longer working as intended. The goal as stated by other main members is to recover the deficit there and that should be the top priority for everyone in this community.

I agree and I think this proposal is a step in the right direction as it puts the focus on Carbon and building up its strategies, TVL, trades, and everything else. There is nothing in Carbon at the moment that prevents this proposal from being implemented.