Proposal to start sunsetting Bancor V3

Thanks for the reply. I concluded that you don’t disagree with the approach but rather this is an issue with the timing. This is good because it means we don’t disagree on the method that I proposed :muscle:

I think that right now carbon is in its early stages and that we as bancorians should start looking at ways to bootstrap the protocol. I am sure that the team is working on this internally as well but as the saying goes

“Ask not what your country can do for you – ask what you can do for your country"

I do not know how long something like what I am proposing will take to implement and I think @foxsteven @yudi or a developer can tell us. I do have a reference of a similar proposal in the past that did something similar Proposal: Rescue any available value from protocol owned renBTC in V3 and this was something that was completed in a few days from the passing of the vote. This proposal is very similar to renBTC except that we are not market selling the tokens but creating carbon strategies instead. I don’t see any new development needed here besides using Carbon and I think this is minimal effort for this reason.