Proposal. Experiment to assess effect of 0.1% swap fee on USDT stable coin pool

I support this proposal although I think we should make the experiment longer (15 days) to be able to make a better assessment. Regardless, we might be able to gleam some useful data if we see a large amount of volume flowing through this pool as compared to the others:

My hypothesis is that aggregators will route to this pool from any stable coin source since you can easily convert via Curve from any stable to USDT for .03%. That will put the overall fees for this hop at .13% which is still lower than the other two stable coin pools. I am wondering if we will see lower volume on the BTC-BNT pairs since the tri-crypto pool on Curve has .06% fees at the moment (this is dynamic and can go lower/higher) which would put the hop from BTC-USDT-BNT lower than the BTC-BNT hop.

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