Migrate POL from v2.1 to v3

Hi guys,
Here is an update on the status of the pools ready for migration.
As at block 16023933 there are 37 pools that will migrate protocol-owned liquidity (POL) from v2.1 to v3 in order to assist with the v3 deficit. At this time, the total value of the migration is approximately $5.8M. The status of each pool and the approximate migration amount is shown in the attached data:

Note that the values vary block to block as fees accumulate and impermanent loss is incurred based on the current rates.

This is a continuous process so periodically additional POL will be migrated.

Just a reminder that for a pool to be eligible it must have protocol owned pool tokens to migrate and have a v3 pool (i.e. a non-zero v3 staked balance).

The migration amount is capped by both; a) the amount of POL for that pool and, b) the current token balance minus the current obligation to v2 stakers. Where obligation refers to the sum of all user positions based on the calculation defined in the proposal: Migrate POL from v2.1 to v3 - #7 by dirtyfrenchman