Proposal: Onboard PHTR token with 100k BNT Trading Liquidity

As a PHTR holder, I’m definitely interested in migrating my Sushi PHTR/USDC LP value liquidity into a PHTR/BNT pool for PHTR and also stake PHTR for BNT. To be honest I’ve haven’t used Bancor… :flushed: Uni and Sushi have been the go to AMM, but I am super interested in the IL protection/lower gas fees (I’ve spent 35eth in gas fees over two wallets last 4 years(!)).

PHTR has huge potential to 10-20x and whilst single side offers a clear mitigation against IL, staking LP (which tends to get the higher yield, which is what we all want) concerns me re: PHTR holding IL. When the price gained 500% last year, on paper, I lost a significant share of my PHTR, even accounting for USDC gain protection against that would be a) awesome and b) allow me to make more educated and less panicked decisions :pinched_fingers:.