Proposal: Gradually increase the trading liquidity limit in the wNXM pool from 2M BNT to 10M BNT in 1M BNT increments

Proposal to gradually increase the trading liquidity limit in the wNXM pool from 2M BNT to 10M BNT in 1M BNT increments

For this proposal to pass, it requires a 40% quorum and 66.7% supermajority.

This proposal is expected to appear on Snapshot for voting on 2022-02-06T00:00:00Z. Make sure to stake your vBNT for voting before this date and time to participate in the DAO decision.


  • This proposal seeks to increase the trading liquidity limit (TLL) in the wNXM pool from 2M BNT to 10M BNT with 1M increments happening each time the pool space is filled.
  • The pool has space for 13,663 wNXM (~$492,885) to be staked single-sided. The proposed TLL increase would allow an additional 68,232 wNXM (~$2,440,000) to be staked, with BNT at $2.44 and wNXM at $35.76.
  • This proposal is conditional on a Nexus Mutual treasury funds deployment proposal passing through their governance.


DEX liquidity on Ethereum

The wNXM pools with deepest liquidity in Ethereum DEXes are:

  • The wNXM 1% pool on Bancor with $12,254,226 liquidity, and an extrapolated APY from the fees accrued in the past 24 hours of 8.53% [1].

  • The wNXM/ETH 1% pool on Uniswap v3 with $4.30m liquidity, and an extrapolated APY from the fees accrued in the past 24 hours of 4.53% [2].

  • The wNXM/ETH 0.3% pool on Uniswap v2 with $475,624 liquidity, and an extrapolated APY from the fees accrued in the past 24 hours of 12.15% [3].

The pool has space for 13,663 wNXM (~$492,885) to be staked single-sided. The proposed initial TLL increase of 1M would allow an additional 68,232 wNXM (~$2,440,000) to be staked, with BNT at $2.44 and wNXM at $35.76.

If the pool is filled with the initial trading liquidity limit increase and already available space, it should hold a total liquidity of at least $18,119,996, 4.21x the liquidity of the second deepest wNXM pool.

Further increments would work according to the following logic:

  1. If the pool’s trading liquidity limit is 10M BNT, stop the increments.
  2. If the space in the pool is full within 1 month from the previous increment, increase trading liquidity limit by 1M BNT.
  3. Return to step 1.

A pseudo-code for the above logic is:

while (trading_liquidity < 10,000,000) % BNT

if (space < 300,000 AND current_time < last_time_incremented + 1 month)

trading_liquidity += 1,000,000 % BNT

last_time_incremented = current_time


Volume and fee performance

wNXM pool weekly Volume and Fees are presented in Figures 1 and 2, respectively.

Figure 1 - wNXM weekly volume since the end of August.

Figure 2 - wNXM weekly fees since the end of August.

The pool would benefit from a larger trading liquidity limit to reduce swap price impact, increase volume/fees and thus improve APY.

The Liquidity Share of wNXM dipped in November but has been steadily recovering. The volume share of wNXM on Bancor at the time of writing is 87.7%.

Figure 3 - wNXM Liquidity Share

Figure 4 - wNXM Volume Share

Impact of a deep wNXM pool on Bancor

If the trading liquidity limit in the wNXM pool is raised to 10m BNT, the pool would have a liquidity of at least $50m (with BNT at $2.51), making it one of the deepest pools on Bancor. Therefore, the wNXM token would become a significant part of the BNT index and thus have an increased influence in the BNT price.

The Bancor community has had a very positive relationship with the Nexus Mutual community. The Nexus Mutual team is openly receptive to pool revenue optimization, and this commitment shouldn’t be taken lightly - the most recent success case of pool revenue optimization is the TRAC pool fee experiment - which has had an incredible relative performance w.r.t. fees accrued for all LPs.


Increase trading liquidity gradually in the wNXM pool from 2M BNT to 10M BNT, with 1M BNT increase at a time.


Keep the trading liquidity in the wNXM pool at 2M BNT.

[1] Bancor: Converter 584 | 0x5A29f970788F3494f6350207fc91DaD0d6e8C184

[2] Uniswap Info

[3] Uniswap Info


I would love to see if anyone from the Nexus team would comment here.

This is a huge amount of trading liquidity. I would like to see them be supportive before I vote in favor.

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Proposal has been changed to gradually increase the size of the pool to 10M in 1M increments.

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I’m personally very supportive of this. We have a Community Fund (for grants, DAO expenses etc) that has a large NXM/wNXM holding that is pretty much idle right now. The impermanent loss protection provided by Bancor means it’s one of the only material options where we can earn wNXM based yield, as such it’s very attractive from my perspective.

Formal approval of this from the Nexus side requires passing governance. This is a ~ 1 week discussion period and then a snapshot vote. Discussion period has just begun and assuming it proceeds positively the snapshot vote will be dependent on Bancor increasing space in the pool.

Looking forward to making this happen on both sides!


Alright, you have my support.

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