Retired: Christopher.conforti.eth

Apologies for the late post. As usual, my time was limited.

Proposal : Migrate AXS 250k Co-Investment to New Axie Infinity (AXS) Contract

This proposal is basic maintenance. Of course I’m voting FOR it, but these sorts of things should be considered patches; we honestly shouldn’t need to vote on this.

Proposal : Whitelist ANKR - 100K Co-Invest

I will vote FOR this proposal. The project provides “one-click” blockchain node setup using virtual containers run on clouds provided by service providers; the ANKR token is how service is bought and how service providers are paid for sharing their computing resources. There are no other places to stake ANKR yet, so being the first would bring benefits.

Proposal : Increase ROOK co investment by 600,000 BNT

I will vote FOR this proposal. Keeper provides on-chain underwriting services for borrowers, as well as internally handling liquidation of underwater positions without placing them on the open market. It incentivizes other keepers to be assimilated without being destructive or playing dirty. It also introduced kCompound, which utilizes the Compound protocol to provide safer loans. We’ve also integrated Keeper to power limit orders on our trade UI, with apparent benefit.

Proposal : Whitelist NEXO - 250K Co-Invest

I will vote FOR this proposal. I’ve had personal experience with Nexo, and their service has been around for some time. I’m honestly surprised we haven’t already whitelisted them. They are a centralized organization that provides services somewhat similar to Maker; collateralized crypto lending. Loans may be drawn directly to one’s bank account, or one may borrow crypto. They also have a card coming Soon™.

Whitelist Union Protocol Governance Token (UNN), Default 20,000 BNT Co-Investment

I will vote FOR this proposal. Union is a suite of individual insurance-like protection coverage tools that can be composed to form a sort of totally-custom blockchain insurance policy. Protections range from smart contract bugs/exploits to gas prices. This has many applications and this one should be kept close.

Proposal : Whitelist Perpetual Protocol (PERP)

I will vote FOR this proposal. If my understanding is correct, Perpetual is sort of like Bancor for derivatives, but with more of a focus on trading rather than the (more backend-oriented, I guess) AMM aspect. Perpetual uses a “Virtual AMM” to allow you to trade derivatives, which are a kind of “trading without trading just yet” kind of contract, with complete liquidity. (The concept is kind of new to me, I’m still putting it together in my head, but I think I got it.)

Proposal: Extend LM rewards on MKR/BNT pool

I will vote FOR this proposal. We have plenty of space in our MKR pool, but we are suffering a huge drought in liquidity. This must be rectified as quickly as possible! I will happily vote to extend LM rewards on this pool in an effort to bring this pool up to a competitive level.

Proposal. Experiment to assess effect of 0.1% swap fee on USDT stable coin pool

I will vote FOR this proposal. It’s a simple, two-week experiment of cutting the fee on the USDT pool in half (from 0.2% to 0.1%). I think this will probably result in an uptick of volume, coming from the pool being more attractive to aggregators. I can’t say that we should leave it at that; I think ultimately we should split the difference (at 0.15%) since we don’t want to make the pool unattractive to LPs.

Proposal: Co-investment limit Increase on ETH

I must ABSTAIN from this proposal. I cannot find the documents it references; knowledge is insufficient to make a reasonably well-considered decision.

Proposal: Whitelist THORChain (ERC-20 RUNE) + 600k Co-Invest

I must ABSTAIN from this proposal. Evidently, this was drafted in private (which is fine), and evidently it was deemed acceptable to drop this right into Level 2 scarcely hours before it was supposed to be put to vote (which is decidedly not so fine). Let me be clear; I find this behavior unacceptable, because it doesn’t leave time for voters to properly review the proposal and, I hope I’m mistaken, but frankly it looks like you’re trying to ram something through the process–something I’d expect from scheming politicians, not upstanding DAO members. Following this, I’ll be making a couple of proposals of my own regarding certain governance operations.